
executive brand awareness and lead generation campaign

Focus: Brand awareness and lead generation

Forbes Councils is a vetted executive community that is built on 3 pillars: visibility, connections, and growth. It consists of 9 councils segmented by verticals for top executives who were interested in amplifying their expertise and credibility through publishing and networking. With the brand recognition of Forbes, the councils were receiving over 90% branded search traffic. The community lacked the reach and awareness of executives who didn’t know about Forbes Councils. We set out with the goal of clearly defining the brand for each vertical, and expanding brand awareness for audiences who didn’t know about Forbes Councils.

My role: My team and I partnered with an agency to help us get campaigns in the market fast. I led the agency, content, design, development, and marketing teams to fine-tune messaging, build landing pages, set up search and retargeting campaigns, and design ad creative and the tracking and reporting engine.

  • Website: Before the campaigns launched, the website was optimized for the buyer’s journey to account for non-linear user flows. Calls to action were carefully mapped throughout the site to match intent stages to relevant content. New content pages were added to ensure users could easily find membership details and benefits.

  • Messaging: Messaging was written to resonate with each Council audience and positioned the Councils as the go-to place to connect with other vetted leaders and solve executive challenges that are critical for business and personal growth.

  • Visuals: Images were sourced that represented each community and showed the diversity and professionalism of the councils in carousel ads.

  • LinkedIn: Web traffic and retargeting were set up on LinkedIn with matched audiences and carousel ads that emulated messaging and visuals relevant to each executive audience.

  • Performance: UTMs were used on all ads and landing pages to ensure complete performance trackability. The average CTR was 4.13% which far exceeds average performance metrics.


lead magnet campaign for entrepreneurs

Focus: Brand awareness and lead generation

Young Entrepreneur’s Council (YEC) is a vetted community for successful entrepreneurs and solopreneurs to connect, learn, form new business partnerships, increase brand visibility through publication, and grow in new areas with peer support. Among the top goals of members, was to attract top talent and lead new stages of growth for their businesses. The goal of YEC was to increase brand awareness and grow membership.

My role: I partnered with the YEC board to identify areas where entrepreneurs experience challenges that we could address in a workbook for this busy audience, and also generate brand awareness and qualified leads. There were 3 main concerns for the target audience, and the decision was made to focus on culture as the vehicle to create the happy, and high-performing teams required for business growth.

Since the definition of good company culture had evolved in previous years, there was an opportunity to help entrepreneurs look deeper at the culture in their companies and consider whether they had held their vision, or if there were opportunities to adjust to the new needs of teams that aligned with the overall vision.

I worked closely with my content, design, marketing, and development teams to build a campaign that included a workbook, landing page, search ads, video, social creative, and email nurturing.

The campaign ran for 2+ years and continued to generate awareness of the community and convert users into sales-qualified leads (SQLs), meeting the goal of growing brand awareness, and the community.


free giveaway campaign for brain health

Focus: Brand awareness and lead generation

Brain State Technologies (now Cereset) is the first technology company of its kind. They offer products and services that help relax and optimize the brain to improve overall well-being. Brain State was launching a new product, the B-2 headband, and was challenged with getting the message out to consumers, building its marketing list, and maintaining its agreement with providers.

My Role: I worked closely with the client team to define the campaign strategy. Once the strategy was set, I worked with the video team, UX designer, content writer, and marketing manager to create videos, landing pages, email drip marketing, social ads, and a presentation for the franchised providers. We utilized video, imagery, and icons to help users understand the benefits of the product so they would enter the contest for a free B-2 headband. We also created a presentation for the provider group to get their support and buy-in to the contest. The result was overwhelming support and excitement.

We successfully launched the contest and increased brand awareness while generating over 1,000 leads in 30 days.