Improved cart user flow and design

We '‘raised the bar'“ for Smashburger creative

The challenge:

Smashburger came to our team because their business growth was suffering and they were consistently relying on specials and deals to boost revenue. They were looking to our creative, marketing, and web strategy and development expertise to shift from reactive to proactive. As we approached a full redesign of their site, we focused specifically on ordering online with a completion rate of only 5%. Additionally, since they were re-branding it was the perfect time to bring in a fresh perspective to their creative. 

My role in MARKETING creative:

I was Creative Director for marketing creative. I met with the Smashburger leadership team to learn about the audience and recent branding and persona efforts. The availability of creative assets to create marketing deliverables was minimal. We used what we could and also did a photo shoot when additional assets were needed to deliver on campaign collateral. All creative was overseen by me to ensure consistent branding and messaging as this was a previous challenge for the Smashburger team. We received minimum edits and quick approvals. 

My role for the website:

I was the Product Owner and Creative Director for the website redesign project. I started with assembling the team and completed requirements gathering to understand where the website could improve to meet user needs and business goals. The most significant piece of the redesign was the online order user flow as the existing UX was confusing and elicited a very low 5% cart completion rate.

The UX Designer and I partnered with the client and their 3rd party order online merchant provider to work through the new order online user flow.  We delivered 58 screens which covered every step in the online order process for both pick-up and delivery.

The result:

For the digital marketing campaign designs, we received minimum edits and quick approvals. The Smashburger leadership and Investor teams noted that we 'raised the bar' for creative based on their previous experiences working with other agencies. 

The feedback from Smashburger stakeholders and their investment group regarding the user flow and UX was overwhelmingly positive for the website, specifically the order online user flow. 

Read how I increased brand visibility and solved site architecture and UX for an 11,000 page website for a fiber optic leader, Timbercon.